
Book Title: Practicing Federated Learning

Abstract: This book makes valuable contribution to practical federated learning and privacy-preserving computation. The material is well structured, the terminologies and basic knowledge are well explained, coupled with many case studies and pseudo-codes help to understand the facts of this interesting field of research.

Authors: Qiang Yang,  Anbu Huang,  Yang Liu,  Tianjian Chen
Publisher: Publishing House of Electronics Industry (PHEI)
ISBN: 9787121407925
Date: 2021-05-01

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Book Title: Dive into Deep Learning

Abstract: Deep learning has become essential for machine learning practitioners and even many software engineers. This book provides a comprehensive introduction for data scientists and software engineers with machine learning experience. You’ll start with deep learning basics and move quickly to the details of important advanced architectures, implementing everything from scratch along the way.

Authors: Anbu Huang
Publisher: Publishing House of Electronics Industry (PHEI)
ISBN: 9787121312700
Date: 2017-06-01

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